9th County Clean-up day
The 9th County Clean-up will take place this year from May 22nd to May 30th. A call will go out to individuals and communities across the county to get involved in the annual litter collection effort.
Two years ago, some 6,000 volunteers were out and about on the day with the support of Kerry County Council and KWD Recycling.
The growing success of the County Clean Up, since it was established in 2012, is evident in the huge voluntary effort all over Kerry in previous years and the volume of litter retrieved over the years is indicative of the larger numbers taking part,
This year let’s again work together to get individuals, out on the day to help clean up the county. We are so reliant on our reputation for a clean and litter-free environment in Kerry and through this effort, everyone can play a role in that regard,’ she said.
Please register before 5pm Sunday 16th May
In 2019, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD, called to Aghadoe, Killarney during The Annual KWD County Clean-Up Day, to see first hand Kerry’s biggest annual mobilisations of community groups, Tidy Towns committees, sporting organisations, individual residents and families across the county. Now in its 8th year, it is organised by Kerry County Council and facilitated by KWD
Volunteers – – REGISTRATION CLOSES 16th May – 5pm
In 2019 over 6,000 volunteers took to the streets, the roads, the lane ways, the beauty spots and the estates all over Kerry and west Cork on Saturday to ensure County Clean-Up Day was a huge hit and a remarkable job was done in every town, village and all roadways in between
May 22nd to May 30th, 2021
KWD Recycling will again provide clean-up packs to groups which register at www.countycleanup.com or or e-mail countycleanup@kwd.ie and collection points will be designated around the county to ensure that all litter gathered is disposed of.
Noel O’Reilly of KWD Recycling said: ‘KWD Recycling is delighted to support yet another County Clean Up for the 9th year. This is a very important initiative – not only does it get our highways and byways looking great, it also gets communities together helping to raise awareness of the effects of littering, which in turn deters people from throwing rubbish on our roads in the first place. It’s a great testament to the people of Kerry and shows how proud we are of our county
In 2018 KWD Recycling and Kerry County Council completed an analysis of the litter collected which revealed that single-use drinking containers were the most common item of litter retrieved from locations across the county, followed by sweet and chocolate wrappers.
About County Cleanup
2012 began a huge initiative by a number of local groups and businesses in Kerry to clean up our County to make Kerry the first to have a “County Clean Up” of all our roadways throughout the County.
ABOVE: Cllr Mike Kennelly Listowel, X-Mayor of Kerry now Minister Norma Foley, Colm Cooper Killarney, Cllr Norma Moriarty, Charlie O’Sullivan KCC, Cllr Pat McCarthy and Sean Murphy Director KWD Recycling pictured a the 2018 launch in Tralee. Photo By : Domnick Walsh